Current database statistics:

Up and running
Total public isolates: 90350

Reads from NCBI are retrieved every 24hrs (process starts at 12am AEST). The metadata associated with these isolates are imported into MGTdb without any modifications.

Up and running
Total public isolates: 77992

Reads from NCBI are retrieved every 24hrs (process starts at 12am AEST). The metadata associated with these isolates are imported into MGTdb without any modifications.

Up and running
Total public isolates: 13788

Reads from NCBI are retrieved every 24hrs (process starts at 12am AEST). The metadata associated with these isolates are imported into MGTdb without any modifications.

Up and running
Total public isolates: 9850

Reads from NCBI are retrieved every 24hrs (process starts at 12am AEST). The metadata associated with these isolates are imported into MGTdb without any modifications.

Up and running
Total public isolates: 82453

Reads from NCBI are retrieved every 24hrs (process starts at 12am AEST). The metadata associated with these isolates are imported into MGTdb without any modifications.